Court Marriage Advocate Amjad Khan and Special Marriage Lawyer 

Court Marriage Advocate Amjad Khan and Special Marriage Lawyer 


Inter Religion | Inter caste Marriage Couples protection 

Inter religion marriage couple protection

protection for inter religion marriage couple

protection for inter religion marriage couple

Police Protection For Inter Religion Marriage Couple In India


The Supreme Court on Monday asked the Uttar Pradesh police to provide three months of security for a couple belonging to a different community and threaten their lives because their marriage was not approved by the girl's family, their marriage, the girl's family. The Delhi High Court ordered Delhi Police to provide protection for the applicant and his family. New Delhi. The Delhi High Court on Friday ordered police to protect an interfaith couple who recently married under the Special Marriage Act and also married under the Special Marriage Act, as described by the woman who was being held at her parents' home.


The court ordered Meerut District Police Chief Meerut to provide protection for the couples after he expressed fears that the woman's father and other family members could harm them, who would oppose the marriage due to religious differences. The Supreme Court of Allahabad has ruled that if an interreligious couple faces a real threat to their life and freedom or is persecuted contrary to the law established by the Supreme Court, they can apply to the Chief Superintendent of the Uttar District Police. Pradeshs Moradabad, and provide the necessary information in this regard, such as proof of their legal age, marriage and alleged harassment, and so on, for the police to take action. The Allahabad High Court in Uttar Pradesh has guaranteed protection for hundreds of couples from police harassment or their families, and the Delhi High Court has placed some couples in safe houses in the nation's capital.


Last year, the Supreme Court called on Punjab and Haryana to increase the number of safe houses in the districts and Chandigarh in the face of growing petitions from couples seeking asylum. In August, the Gujarat High Court suspended amendments to a government-proposed law criminalizing interfaith marriages, saying it was unconstitutional and that the suspension would protect interfaith couples from harassment until the issue is resolved in court. In India, new laws prohibit brides and grooms from converting to their spouse's religion.


Some couples seek asylum in cities like Delhi and Bangalore hoping to get married under the Special Marriage Act of 1954, which allows civil marriage between people of any religion, but more recently the provisions of the Special Marriage Act have been used to harass couples. Once in Delhi, couples often have to maneuver through complex legal battles and paperwork to secure secure housing and eventually get married, both under the Special Marriages Act and the Religious Acts Act.


According to activists who help these couples find a safe place and eventually get married and settled, most families in India have a problem with "marrying for love". In India, most marriages are still arranged by families belonging to the same religion or caste. While Haryana couples have the option of going to state-run shelters or going to the police in Delhi, states like Maharashtra, where inter-caste marriages are equally unacceptable, are giving no respite to couples who want to marry outside their caste.


For example, in July, an interfaith couple who got married in the UPs Ballia area were allegedly harassed by members of the Hindutva Karni Sena group, who annulled the marriage, claiming it was a case of forced conversion to another religion, and took them to the station. station where a Muslim man was arrested on charges of kidnapping. The Bombay High Court was told that after the two got married, their community, led by a sarpanch and a chief, opposed their caste marriage, threatened the couple with death, and even attacked their husband, father. The interfaith couple has applied to the Delhi High Court seeking protection and safety from the women, saying they are large and have been in a relationship for four years and the woman left her home of her own free will.


With the help of an NGO and several petitions to the local police and the Supreme Court, they managed to get married, after which they received court-ordered sheltered housing in a "safe house" in Delhi. The couple fled to Delhi in 2019 where, after a Hindu woman told police she had married of her own accord, the Delhi High Court granted the couple protection if they stayed in Delhi. Santoshi, the signatories' lawyer, said the signers had an affair and got married at Arya Samaj Mandir, Delhi, following Hindu rites and ceremonies.


The college argued that applicants should be given the necessary guarantees. The Allahabad High Court stated that applicants may apply to the Chief Police Superintendent of the affected area and present evidence of their age of majority, marriage, alleged harassment, etc., and the latter will take all steps required by law to ensure that the life of the couple and freedom are not caught . He was fired as selfless because the 23-year-old failed to appear in court on April 22, he explained the reason.


The group recently found a lawyer who helped submit a letter to the Delhi police asking them to protect her Hindu couple. According to the Supreme Court ruling, the Delhi government has already set up special cells in all 15 police districts of NEW DELHI to receive petitions or complaints of harassment and threats against a needy couple. The government said the Delhi Women's Commission's existing 181 hotlines will serve as a 24-hour helpline to receive reports of threats and harassment from interfaith and intercaste couples and provide assistance as needed.

inter-caste couple who are performing inter-religious marriage or inter-faith couple doing inter-faith marriage may be threatened on the false and baseless allegations of love jihad or facing threats are seeking to provide protection the state government is bound to save different castes person or the state will behave ignoring caste system and will arrange adequate security to the couple and grants police protection to intended marriage couple, it is the duty of marriage officers in every district that he will register the marriage according to special marriage act of a hindu-muslim couple and will not direct them to runaway couple or that young couple will be attended by an ASI having minimum three years of experience under the direct supervision of deputy commissioner and will also remember about social welfare and also report yo the welfare officer, and wwill assume that Hindu Girl or Muslim girl are equally protected married couple by police station.


Court Marriage Advocate Amjad Khan